What is a water fed pole system (Reach & Wash)?

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Everyone has the right to work safely, and this includes window cleaners. Ladders were the only option available to windows cleaners for decades. However, since the innovation of the Reach & Wash system, window cleaners have had the freedom and safety of remaining on the ground to carry out their work.

Most falls that involve window cleaners have involved a portable ladder. In recent years the figures from local authorities show that between 2 and 7 window cleaners have been killed each year in Great Britain and between 20 - 30 major injuries have been caused by falling from ladders.

The Reach & Wash system helps reduce the risk posed to window cleaners. Using the Reach & Wash system window cleaners have the ability to carry out their work to the highest quality yet remaining firmly on the ground.

A window cleaner who uses the Reach & Wash system has the ability to carry out their work safely and efficiently, allowing for cheaper prices and less inconvenience to you, as well as reducing the risk of injury which could leave you footing the bill. Learn Why it's important for your window cleaner to have insurance.

What is a water fed pole system?

The water fed pole is at the heart of the Reach & Wash system. A water fed pole is telescopic and can reach heights of over 70ft. With a hose reel attached, clean purified water can be fed to the top of the pole where the brush head meets the window.

Reach and Wash window cleaning system

What is purified water?

Purified water is water that has been filtered or processed to remove impurities like chemicals or other contaminants.

Purified water can be made commercially or at home. Many window cleaners purify their water at home using normal tap water, running it through a filtration system before pumping it into a tank to be used later. Other means of getting purified water are available though, such as commercial pay per litre fill up stations which are rising in popularity due to their convenience and reduced cost of building and maintaining a home filtration system.

Why do window cleaners need purified water?

By using purified water, window cleaners can ensure that windows are left sparkling clean after the water has dried off the windows. Unlike traditional methods, the Reach & Wash system requires the water dry off the windows naturally to ensure no impurities are added to the water.

Adding fairy liquid or other window cleaning products to your windows prior to you window cleaner cleaning your windows with a Reach & Wash system will leave your windows looking smeared. It will also contaminate your window cleaners brush head, rendering it useless for future cleans.

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